ciscoconfparse2 functions

ciscoconfparse2.initialize_ciscoconfparse2(read_only=False, debug=0) tuple[Dict[str, str], List[int]]

Initialize ciscoconfparse2 global variables and configure logging.


A tuple of the ciscoconfparse2 globals and active loguru handlers

Return type:

tuple[Dict[str,str], List[int]]

ciscoconfparse2.cfgobj_from_text(text_list: List[str], txt: str, idx: int, syntax: str | None = None, comment_delimiters: List[str] | None = None, factory: bool | None = None) BaseCfgLine

Build a configuration object from configuration text, syntax, and factory inputs.

  • text_list (List[str]) – The input list of text configuration strings

  • txt (str) – The specific configuration string to evaluate

  • txt – The specific configuration string to evaluate

  • idx (int) – Line-number to assign to the configuration object

  • syntax (str) – A valid configuration syntax

  • comment_delimiters (List[str]) – A sequence of string comment-delimiters

  • factory (bool) – Controls whether to read the configuration lines as a factory input


A configuration object appropriate for the configuration

Return type:


ciscoconfparse2.build_space_tolerant_regex(linespec: str, encoding: str = 'utf-8') str

Accept a string, and return a regex-like string with all spaces replaced with ‘s+’.

  • linespec (str) – Input to be regex-escaped

  • encoding (str) – Encoding of the linespec


The linespec with all spaces escaped as \s+

Return type:


ciscoconfparse2.convert_junos_to_ios(input_list: List[str] | None = None, stop_width: int = 4, comment_delimiters: List[str] | None = None, ignore_blank_lines: bool = False, debug: int = 0) List[str]

Accept input_list containing a list of junos-brace-formatted-string config lines. This method strips off semicolons / braces from the string lines in input_list and returns the lines in a new list where all lines are explicitly indented as IOS would (as if IOS understood braces).

  • input_list (List[str]) – A sequence of brace-delimited configuration strings.

  • stop_width (int) – Integer representing the leading-spaces to indent levels of output child strings.

  • comment_delimiters (List[str]) – Sequence of string comment-delimiters

  • ignore_blank_lines (bool) – Whether to ignore blank lines, defaults to False

  • debug (int) – Debug level for this method


Indented configuration strings

Return type:


ciscoconfparse2.CiscoConfParse Object

class ciscoconfparse2.CiscoConfParse(config: str | List[str] | tuple[str, ...] | None = None, syntax: str = 'ios', encoding: str = 'UTF-8', loguru: bool = True, comment_delimiters: List[str] | None = None, auto_indent_width: int = -1, linesplit_rgx: str = '\\r*\\n', ignore_blank_lines: bool = False, auto_commit: bool = True, factory: bool = False, debug: int = 0)

Parse Cisco IOS configurations and answer queries about the configs.

Initialize CiscoConfParse.


comment_delimiters always assumes the delimiter is one character wide.


ignore_blank_lines changes the original ciscoconfparse default value.

  • config (Union[str,List[str],tuple[str, ...]]) – A list of configuration lines or the filepath to the configuration.

  • syntax (str) – The configuration type, default to ‘ios’; it must be one of: ‘ios’, ‘nxos’, ‘iosxr’, ‘asa’, ‘junos’. Use ‘junos’ for any brace-delimited network configuration (including F5, Palo Alto, etc…).

  • encoding (str) – The configuration encoding, default to locale.getpreferredencoding().

  • loguru (bool) – Control whether CiscoConfParse should enable loguru, default to True.

  • comment_delimiters (List[str]) – String comment delimiters. This should only be changed when parsing non-Cisco configurations, which do not use a ‘!’ as the comment delimiter. comment defaults to ‘!’. This value can hold multiple characters in case the config uses multiple characters for comment delimiters.

  • auto_indent_width (int) – Defaults to -1, and should be kept that way unless you’re working on a very tricky config parsing problem.

  • linesplit_rgx (str) – Used when parsing configuration files to find where new configuration lines are; it is best to leave this as the default, unless you’re working on a system that uses unusual line terminations (for instance something besides Unix, OSX, or Windows).

  • ignore_blank_lines (bool) – Defaults to False; when this is set True, ciscoconfparse2 ignores blank configuration lines.

  • auto_commit (bool) – Control whether CiscoConfParse should auto-commit config changes when possible, default to True. However, parsing very large configs may be faster with auto_commit=False.

  • factory (bool) – Control whether CiscoConfParse should enable the beta-quality configuration parameter parser, default to False. factory parsing is only useful on IOS configs. Do not use factory to parse NXOS, IOS-XR, or Cisco ASA configurations.

  • debug (int) – Control CiscoConfParse debug output, default is 0.


A CiscoConfParse object

Return type:


This example illustrates how to parse a simple Cisco IOS configuration with CiscoConfParse into a variable called parse. This example also illustrates what the config_objs and ioscfg attributes contain.

>>> from ciscoconfparse2 import CiscoConfParse
>>> config = [
...     'logging trap debugging',
...     'logging',
...     ]
>>> parse = CiscoConfParse(config=config)
>>> parse
<CiscoConfParse: 2 lines / syntax: ios / comment delimiter: '!' / factory: False>
>>> parse.config_objs
<ConfigList, comment='!', conf=[<IOSCfgLine # 0 'logging trap debugging'>, <IOSCfgLine # 1 'logging'>]>
>>> parse.text
['logging trap debugging', 'logging']



CiscoConfParse().objs is an alias for the CiscoConfParse().config_objs property.


Fix Py3.5 deprecation of universal newlines


(list) A list of strings containing the comment-delimiters. Default: [“!”]


(ConfigList) A custom list, which contains all parsed IOSCfgLine instances.


(int) An int to enable verbose config parsing debugs. Default 0.


(list) A list of text configuration strings


(str) A string holding the configuration type. Default: ‘ios’. Must be one of: ‘ios’, ‘nxos’, ‘iosxr’, ‘asa’, ‘junos’. Use ‘junos’ for any brace-delimited network configuration (including F5, Palo Alto, etc…).


Method generated by attrs for class CiscoConfParse.

__hash__ = None

Method generated by attrs for class CiscoConfParse.

__repr__() str

Return a string that represents this CiscoConfParse object instance. The number of lines embedded in the string is calculated from the length of the config_objs attribute.


A representation of this object.

Return type:


auto_commit: bool
auto_indent_width: int
check_ccp_input_good(config: List[str] | tuple[str, ...] | None = None, logger: Any = None) bool
  • config (Union[List[str], tuple[str, ...]]) – Sequence of commands

  • logger (loguru._logger.Logger) – loguru.logger() reference


Whether the config can be parsed

Return type:


comment_delimiters: List[str]
commit() None

Use commit() to manually fix up config_objs relationships after modifying a parsed configuration. This method is slow; try to batch calls to commit() if possible.



Return type:



If you modify a configuration after parsing it with CiscoConfParse, you must call commit() or commit() before searching the configuration again with methods such as find_objects(). Failure to call commit() or commit() on config modifications could lead to unexpected search results.

config: str | List[str] | None
config_objs: Any
debug: int
encoding: str
factory: bool
find_child_objects(parentspec, childspec=None, ignore_ws=False, recurse=True, escape_chars=False, reverse=False)

Parse through the children of all parents matching parentspec, and return a list of child objects, which matched the childspec.

  • parentspec (str) – Text regular expression for the parent’s configuration line. A list is preferred.

  • childspec – Text regular expression for the child’s configuration line.

  • ignore_ws (bool) – Ignore whitespace, default to False

  • recurse (bool) – Control whether to recurse in the config, default to True.

  • escape_chars (bool) – Controls whether characters are escaped before searching, default to False.

  • reverse (bool) – Controls whether results are reversed; set True if modifying the configuration with these results.


Matching child objects

Return type:



Do not set childspec if searching with a tuple of strings or list of strings.

This example finds the object for “ge-0/0/1” under “interfaces” in the following config…

        unit 0
            family ethernet-switching
                port-mode access
                    members VLAN_FOO
        unit 0
            family ethernet-switching
                port-mode trunk
                    members all
                native-vlan-id 1
        unit 0
            family inet

The following object should be returned:

<IOSCfgLine # 7 '    ge-0/0/1' (parent is # 0)>

We do this by quering find_child_objects(); we set our parent as ^\s*interface and set the child as ^\s+ge-0/0/1.

>>> from ciscoconfparse2 import CiscoConfParse
>>> config = ['interfaces',
...           '    ge-0/0/0',
...           '        unit 0',
...           '            family ethernet-switching',
...           '                port-mode access',
...           '                vlan',
...           '                    members VLAN_FOO',
...           '    ge-0/0/1',
...           '        unit 0',
...           '            family ethernet-switching',
...           '                port-mode trunk',
...           '                vlan',
...           '                    members all',
...           '                native-vlan-id 1',
...           '    vlan',
...           '        unit 0',
...           '            family inet',
...           '                address',
...     ]
>>> p = CiscoConfParse(config=config)
>>> p.find_child_objects(['interface', r'ge-0/0/1'])
[<IOSCfgLine # 7 '    ge-0/0/1' (parent is # 0)>]
find_object_branches(branchspec: tuple[str, ...] | List[str] = (), regex_flags: RegexFlag | int = 0, regex_groups: bool = False, empty_branches: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, debug: int = 0) List[Any]

A branch is just a list of all matching parent and child text lines. This method iterates over a tuple of regular expression strings in branchspec and returns matching objects in a list of lists (consider it similar to a table of matching config objects). branchspec expects to start at a parent line and walk through the nested child lines below it (with no limit on depth).

Previous CiscoConfParse() methods only handled a single parent regex and single child regex (such as find_objects()).

In comparison to other CiscoConfParse() ‘find’ methods, use this method to transcend past what could otherwise be complicated nested loops to include nested ‘branches’ statements in a single family (i.e. parents, children, grand-children, great-grand-children, etc). The result of handling longer regex chains is that it flattens nested loops in your scripts; this makes parsing heavily-nested configuratations like Juniper, Palo-Alto, and F5 much simpler. Of course, there are plenty of applications for normally “flatter” config formats like Cisco IOS.

Return a list of lists (of object ‘branches’) which are nested to the same depth required in branchspec. However, unlike most other CiscoConfParse() methods, return an explicit None if there is no object match. Returning None allows a single search over configs that may not be uniformly nested in every branch.


The allow_none from original ciscoconfparse is removed and no longer a configuration option; it will always be regarded as True.

  • branchspec (Union[tuple[str, ...],List[str]]) – Regular expressions to be matched.

  • regex_flags (Union[re.RegexFlags,int]) – Chained regular expression flags, such as re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE

  • regex_groups (bool) – Return a tuple of re.Match groups instead of the matching configuration objects, default is False.

  • empty_branches (bool) – If True, return a list of None statements if there is no match; before version 1.9.49, this defaulted True.

  • reverse (bool) – If True, reverse the return value order.

  • debug (int) – Set > 0 for debug messages


A list of lists of matching IOSCfgLine objects

Return type:


>>> from operator import attrgetter
>>> from ciscoconfparse2 import CiscoConfParse
>>> config = [
...     'ltm pool FOO {',
...     '  members {',
...     '    k8s-05.localdomain:8443 {',
...     '      address',
...     '      session monitor-enabled',
...     '      state up',
...     '    }',
...     '    k8s-06.localdomain:8443 {',
...     '      address',
...     '      session monitor-enabled',
...     '      state down',
...     '    }',
...     '  }',
...     '}',
...     'ltm pool BAR {',
...     '  members {',
...     '    k8s-07.localdomain:8443 {',
...     '      address',
...     '      session monitor-enabled',
...     '      state down',
...     '    }',
...     '  }',
...     '}',
...     ]
>>> parse = CiscoConfParse(config=config, syntax='junos', comment='#')
>>> branchspec = (r'ltm\spool', r'members', r'\S+?:\d+', r'state up')
>>> branches = parse.find_object_branches(branchspec=branchspec)
>>> # We found three branches
>>> len(branches)
>>> # Each branch must match the length of branchspec
>>> len(branches[0])
>>> # Print out one object 'branch'
>>> branches[0]
Branch(['ltm pool FOO', '    members', '        k8s-05.localdomain:8443', '            state up'])
>>> # Get the a list of text lines for this branch...
>>> [ii.text for ii in branches[0]]
['ltm pool FOO', '    members', '        k8s-05.localdomain:8443', '            state up']
>>> # Get the config text of the root object of the branch...
>>> branches[0][0].text
'ltm pool FOO'
>>> # Note: `None` in branches[1][-1] because of no regex match
>>> branches[1]
Branch(['ltm pool FOO', '    members', '        k8s-06.localdomain:8443', None])
>>> branches[2]
Branch(['ltm pool BAR', '    members', '        k8s-07.localdomain:8443', None])
find_objects(linespec: str | Pattern | BaseCfgLine | List[str] | List[Pattern], exactmatch: bool = False, ignore_ws: bool = False, escape_chars: bool = False, reverse: bool = False) List[BaseCfgLine]

Find all IOSCfgLine objects whose text matches linespec and return the IOSCfgLine objects in a python list.

  • linespec (Union[str,re.Pattern,BaseCfgLine, List[str], List[re.Pattern]]) – Text regular expression or a list with an expression for the IOSCfgLine objects to be matched

  • exactmatch (str) – When set True, this option requires linespec match the whole configuration line, instead of a portion of the configuration line, default to False.

  • ignore_ws (bool) – Controls whether whitespace is ignored, default to False.

  • reverse (bool) – Controls whether the order of the results is reversed, default to False.


Matching IOSCfgLine objects.

Return type:


This example illustrates the use of find_objects()

>>> from ciscoconfparse2 import CiscoConfParse
>>> config = [
...     '!',
...     'interface Serial1/0',
...     ' ip address',
...     '!',
...     'interface Serial1/1',
...     ' ip address',
...     '!',
...     ]
>>> parse = CiscoConfParse(config=config)
>>> parse.find_objects(r'^interface')
[<IOSCfgLine # 1 'interface Serial1/0'>, <IOSCfgLine # 4 'interface Serial1/1'>]
find_parent_objects(parentspec: str | Pattern | List[str], childspec: str | None = None, ignore_ws: bool = False, recurse: bool = True, escape_chars: bool = False, reverse: bool = False) List[BaseCfgLine]

Return a list of parent IOSCfgLine objects, which matched the parentspec and whose children match childspec. Only the parent IOSCfgLine objects will be returned.

  • parentspec (Union[str,List[str],tuple[str, ...]]) – Text regular expression or a list of expressions for the IOSCfgLine object to be matched

  • childspec (str) – Text regular expression for the child’s configuration line

  • ignore_ws (bool) – boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored

  • recurse (bool) – Set True if you want to search all children (children, grand children, great grand children, etc…). This is considered True if parentspec is a list or tuple.

  • escape_chars (bool) – Set True if you want to escape characters before searching

  • reverse (bool) – Set True if you want to reverse the order of the results


A list of matching parent IOSCfgLine objects

Return type:



Do not set childspec if searching with a tuple of strings or list of strings.

This example uses find_parent_objects() to find all ports that are members of access vlan 300 in following config…

interface FastEthernet0/1
 switchport access vlan 532
 spanning-tree vlan 532 cost 3
interface FastEthernet0/2
 switchport access vlan 300
 spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/3
 duplex full
 speed 100
 switchport access vlan 300
 spanning-tree portfast

The following interfaces should be returned:

interface FastEthernet0/2
interface FastEthernet0/3

We do this by quering find_objects_w_child(); we set our parent as ^interface and set the child as switchport access vlan 300.

>>> from ciscoconfparse2 import CiscoConfParse
>>> config = ['!',
...           'interface FastEthernet0/1',
...           ' switchport access vlan 532',
...           ' spanning-tree vlan 532 cost 3',
...           '!',
...           'interface FastEthernet0/2',
...           ' switchport access vlan 300',
...           ' spanning-tree portfast',
...           '!',
...           'interface FastEthernet0/3',
...           ' duplex full',
...           ' speed 100',
...           ' switchport access vlan 300',
...           ' spanning-tree portfast',
...           '!',
...     ]
>>> p = CiscoConfParse(config=config)
>>> p.find_parent_objects(['interface', 'vlan 300'])
[<IOSCfgLine # 5 'interface FastEthernet0/2'>, <IOSCfgLine # 9 'interface FastEthernet0/3'>]
find_parent_objects_wo_child(parentspec, childspec: str | None = None, ignore_ws: bool = False, recurse: bool = False, escape_chars: bool = False, reverse: bool = False)

Return a list of parent IOSCfgLine objects, which matched the parentspec and whose children did not match childspec. Only the parent IOSCfgLine objects will be returned. For simplicity, this method only finds oldest_ancestors without immediate children that match.


Text regular expression for the IOSCfgLine object to be matched; this must match the parent’s line


Text regular expression for the line to be matched; this must match the child’s line


boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored


boolean that controls whether to recurse through children of children


boolean that controls whether to escape characters before searching


Set True if you want to reverse the order of the results


A list of matching parent configuration lines


This example finds all ports that are autonegotiating in the following config…

interface FastEthernet0/1
 switchport access vlan 532
 spanning-tree vlan 532 cost 3
interface FastEthernet0/2
 switchport access vlan 300
 spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/2
 duplex full
 speed 100
 switchport access vlan 300
 spanning-tree portfast

The following interfaces should be returned:

interface FastEthernet0/1
interface FastEthernet0/2

We do this by quering find_parent_objects_wo_child(); we set our parent as ^interface and set the child as speed\s\d+ (a regular-expression which matches the word ‘speed’ followed by an integer).

>>> from ciscoconfparse2 import CiscoConfParse
>>> config = ['!',
...           'interface FastEthernet0/1',
...           ' switchport access vlan 532',
...           ' spanning-tree vlan 532 cost 3',
...           '!',
...           'interface FastEthernet0/2',
...           ' switchport access vlan 300',
...           ' spanning-tree portfast',
...           '!',
...           'interface FastEthernet0/3',
...           ' duplex full',
...           ' speed 100',
...           ' switchport access vlan 300',
...           ' spanning-tree portfast',
...           '!',
...     ]
>>> p = CiscoConfParse(config=config)
>>> p.find_parent_objects_wo_child(r'^interface', r'speed\s\d+')
[<IOSCfgLine # 1 'interface FastEthernet0/1'>, <IOSCfgLine # 5 'interface FastEthernet0/2'>]
finished_config_parse: bool
get_auto_indent_from_syntax(syntax: str | None = None) int

Return an auto indent for the ‘syntax’ string in question


syntax (str) – Syntax of the configuration lines


Number of spaces for each indent level

Return type:


get_text() List[str]

All text configuration statements

Return type:



The original ciscoconfparse ioscfg`@property has been renamed to ``get_text().

handle_ccp_brace_syntax(tmp_lines: list | None = None, syntax: str | None = None) List[str]

Deal with brace-delimited syntax issues, such as conditionally discarding junos closing brace-lines.

  • tmp_lines (List[str]) – Brace-delimited text configuration lines

  • syntax (str) – Syntax of the configuration lines


Configuration lines without braces

Return type:


ignore_blank_lines: bool
linesplit_rgx: str
loguru: bool
property objs: ConfigList[BaseCfgLine]

CiscoConfParse().objs is an alias for the CiscoConfParse().config_objs property.


All configuration objects.

Return type:


property openargs: Dict[str, str | None]

Fix Py3.5 deprecation of universal newlines


Ref original ciscoconfparse Github issue #114; also see


The proper encoding parameters

Return type:


re_match_iter_typed(regexspec, group=1, result_type=<class 'str'>, default='', untyped_default=False)

Use regexspec to search the root parents in the config and return the contents of the regular expression group, at the integer group index, cast as result_type; if there is no match, default is returned.


A string or python compiled regular expression, which should be matched. This regular expression should contain parenthesis, which bound a match group.


An integer which specifies the desired regex group to be returned. group defaults to 1.


A type (typically one of: str, int, float, or IPv4Obj). All returned values are cast as result_type, which defaults to str.


The default value to be returned, if there is no match. The default is an empty string.


Set True if you don’t want the default value to be typed


The text matched by the regular expression group; if there is no match, default is returned. All values are cast as result_type. The default result_type is str.


This example illustrates how you can use re_match_iter_typed() to get the first interface name listed in the config.

>>> import re
>>> from ciscoconfparse2 import CiscoConfParse
>>> config = [
...     '!',
...     'interface Serial1/0',
...     ' ip address',
...     '!',
...     'interface Serial2/0',
...     ' ip address',
...     '!',
...     ]
>>> parse = CiscoConfParse(config=config)
>>> parse.re_match_iter_typed(r'interface\s(\S+)')

The following example retrieves the hostname from the configuration

>>> from ciscoconfparse2 import CiscoConfParse
>>> config = [
...     '!',
...     'hostname DEN-EDGE-01',
...     '!',
...     'interface Serial1/0',
...     ' ip address',
...     '!',
...     'interface Serial2/0',
...     ' ip address',
...     '!',
...     ]
>>> parse = CiscoConfParse(config=config)
>>> parse.re_match_iter_typed(r'^hostname\s+(\S+)')
re_search_children(regexspec, recurse=False)

Use regexspec to search for root parents in the config with text matching regex. If recurse is False, only root parent objects are returned. A list of matching objects is returned.

This method is very similar to find_objects() (when recurse is True); however it was written in response to the use-case described in Github Issue #156.


A string or python regular expression, which should be matched.


Set True if you want to search all objects, and not just the root parents


A list of matching IOSCfgLine objects which matched. If there is no match, an empty list() is returned.

read_config(config: None | tuple[str, ...] | List[str] | str | Path) List[str]

Read config as a string, list, tuple or pathlib.Path


The output configuration

Return type:


read_config_file(filepath: str | None = None, linesplit_rgx: str = '\\r*\\n') List[str]

Read the config lines from the filepath. Return the list of text configuration commands or raise an error.

  • filepath (str) – Filepath to be read

  • linesplit_rgx – Regex to use for line splits


The output configuration

Return type:



Save a text copy of the configuration at filepath; this method uses the OperatingSystem’s native line separators (such as \r\n in Windows).

syntax: str

ciscoconfparse2.Diff Object

class ciscoconfparse2.Diff(old_config: str | List[str] | tuple[str, ...] = None, new_config: str | List[str] | tuple[str, ...] = None, syntax: str = 'ios')

Initialize Diff().

  • old_config – A string or sequence containing text configuration statements representing the old config. Default value: None. If a filepath is provided, load the configuration from the file.

  • old_config – Union[str, List[str], tuple[str, …]]

  • new_config – A string or sequence containing text configuration statements representing the new config. Default value: None. If a filepath is provided, load the configuration from the file.

  • new_config – Union[str, List[str], tuple[str, …]]

  • syntax – The configuration type. Default: ‘ios’.

  • syntax – ciscoconfparse2.Diff


Method generated by attrs for class Diff.

__hash__ = None

Method generated by attrs for class Diff.

get_diff() List[str]

The list of required configuration statements to go from the old_config to the new_config

Return type:


get_rollback() List[str]

The list of required configuration statements to rollback from the new_config to the old_config

Return type:


host: str