
syntax is used with all configurations. By default ios syntax is used and it’s a good default for many vendor configurations (without braces).

This configuration parse reads the configuration as ios syntax by default:

>>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse
>>> parse = CiscoConfParse('/tftpboot/sfob09f02sw01.conf', factory=False)


Only set factory=True if you know what you are doing. See factory

This configuration parse explicitly reads the configuration as asa syntax:

>>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse
>>> parse = CiscoConfParse('/tftpboot/sfob09f02fw01.conf', syntax='asa')

syntax offers a way to handle these situations:

  • Is the config delimited with braces or indentation?

  • Which configuration object is used to represent configuration lines?

  • These configuration objects offer the following information:

    • Is a configuration line an interface?

    • Is an interface a switchport?

    • Is an interface administratively shutdown?


If you are parsing a configuration that uses braces (such as JunOS), do not use syntax='ios'; JunOS has dedicated syntax: syntax='junos'.