.. _factory: ======= factory ======= ``factory`` is an experimental feature to derive more information about configurations by using several different configuration objects for a given ``syntax``. .. sourcecode:: python >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> parse = CiscoConfParse('/tftpboot/sfob09f02sw01.conf', syntax='ios', factory=True) >>> hsrp_intf = parse.find_parent_objects("interface", " standby") >>> The most developed factory is ``ios``. .. note:: ``factory`` is an experimental feature; to enable it, parse with ``factory=True``. If something doesn't work, it's a feature, not a bug. .. warning:: Anything about ``factory`` parsing can change at any time (but mostly does not). Also See ^^^^^^^^ - The :ref:`syntax_ios` page. - The :ref:`syntax_nxos` page. - The :ref:`syntax_asa` page. - The :ref:`syntax_iosxr` page.